Saturday, February 27, 2016

Babe Sapien ...

I shouldn't be blogging.
I mean, generally... ever. But also, more specifically right now.

Right now I should be sleeping.

Tomorrow pre-dawn is driving, flying to Melbourne, more driving, family, perhaps a Japanese Festival followed by a Greek Festival (which hopefully doesn't culminate in an orgy of sashimi and ouzo vomit amidst smashed plates and blossom petals).

About a zill other stimulating trans-tasman activities over the week.
But I should be sleeping. Possibly because after a mere handful of months I won't be sleeping for about 18 years.


Almost three years ago J-Rex sent me a rage-comic at work.
It was cute. I was to laugh.
While I responded in kind, mine felt a little more like a dry commentary on relationships in general. Much less relevant for posting here.

Oh, it's so very relevant now.

Despite my perma ember glow animosity towards bullfighters, I think I just figured out why they do it.

Shoulda' seen it coming really;

A good few years ago I picked up an arcade machine to love n' nurture - exact same time - J-Rex brought Emintrude the Cat home from her work clinic.

Few weeks back a considerably gruntier, tidier arcade machine upgrade followed me home - honestly, how else did I think J-Rex would match that? - with a Sea Monkey?

Oy vey pitter patter.


Eh, I'm still spinnin'.
I'm voiding my standard quote, AOT in lieu of, tonight.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Can't Teach an Old Dog Net Tricks ...


you know, when the super tech-bots take over, they're gonna' have a lot to look back on and feel grieved about.
But it's just too much fun.
Anytime somebody comes up with a smart AI-whatever, it's human nature to exploit any shortcomings in 'intelligence'.

Exploit dumb - abuse function. When didn't that happen in history?

So, until bots learn how to perfectly tie every man's sarong (balinese style) or push my toe cuticles back (with my unadulterated trust) - it's just too much fun misusing apps for lols.

How-Old is probably a bit old now. At least 8 months, making it an ancient piece o' archaic trash right?
There isn't much to do with it, or is there? After the initial joy of being told I'm 40 (I'm so not yet), informed me several times my girlfriend is 15. Which is weird because I'm not in jail.

FWIW she grew up cranking Bubble Bobble C64 TYVM.
Unlike He-Man who is apparently a 43 year old woman.

You knew that was going to happen. Toys and classic fantasy art? - practically created for apps like How-Old & What-Dog.

Yes. is the dog-breed finding equivalent. The makers thought this would be used in conjuction with dog pictures how long?

It placed my mugshot in the rank of Golden Retriever - Personality: not bad, as I do get along with practically everybody I meet. Physically: no cigar, I'm just not as chunky as that.
To my eternal delight J-Rex got categorized as an English Cocker Spaniel - outgoing and athletic: not so much, but the line "needs to be told and told again" heh, she'll be hearing that and hearing that for days.

To the chase;
(by AI rationale)

*Beetlejuice is a Shi-Tzu

*The Golden Pharaoh is a 22 year old female Pekingese

*Bob Seger was already 44 when he released Stranger in Town in 1978

*Judge Andersen really has a few Mega-City miles on her.

*Diana the Acrobat is considerably harder to detect than any of her teammates ... hmm

-most importantly?

*My childhood Kewpie is safe from the Terminator Apocalypse

Yeah, difficult/impossible getting detection on Diana which is sux. Considering Eric, Presto & Hank came up peasy-like. Here's hoping cyborgs are gonna' wipe out the human race indiscriminately.

"No shame in being a dog's body in the workplace. Provided the dog's head is a good one." - rihia2k.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hard Rain. Not Necessarily Falling ...


Fair to say after watching double features of Aaaaaaaah! and The Dance of Reality respectively - words are my personal pet escapist right now.

"If you always err on the side of caution, you're taking a huge risk with regret." - rihia2k.