Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fist of the Northcote...

Aww, too June? Man, time flies when yer havin' fun, think I've done more hard work in the last few weeks than the last two years... backpacking, help-exchange, wwoofing-style holiday/farm work that is...

Trekking around Aussie, living out of a pack for weeks, internet kind of gets prioritised.
Yeah, priorities. That said I still threw out some jeans, stretched the straps on the backpack and picked up some vintage action-figures on the way.
(middle o' nowhere? living out of a tramping-pack? who needs clothes or food? Fill mine up with comics and toys please)
Gotta' keep on trackin'.
So sorry, kids, you're getting leftover, secondhand blog for tea...
click that link, you.

... and one photo for dessert.

"Too many people mistake deceiving the gullible, for something which requires guile and skill" - Rihia2k