Friday, January 7, 2011

Bio-tech is Gojira ...

So the Sepultura will tell us.
But two things;
Bio-tech sux.
Godzilla rules.

"Can't you see I'm irradiating here?!"
As a kid I had one serious question for Mum (Mom) about 'Zilla.
"How's he good if he's bad (and vice versa)?", like most kids my concept of good n' eves was pretty black and white.
Yeah, I recall I asked my Nana how 'Miles Mayhem' (villian from M.A.S.K. toys) could be evil.
"But he's old!", I said. Thank goodness for grandparents, informing us not to trust all of the aged.
Yeesh, Miles Mayhem, what a sad #$*@!!

Yeah, I drew this. The water stain can now just be considered 'digital effects'.

Speakin' o' old, drew this when I was ten. Apparently I thought Tokyo consisted of 1 mud-hut, a generic easterner and a grassy knoll. Especially note the puff cloud of haste. I drew a lotta' those clouds featuring He-man and rugby players.

As an early teen, 13 'r so I acquired 'Godzilla vs. The Thing 'n VHS. Magic. I haven't never NEVER forgotten the Mothra song sung by those tiny japanese twins.

My awesome VHS version was so untouched-up it was pink.
Dang it! The song was good!, the story was good! I played that tape like nobody's bizzo.
Blessed be. The tape featured 'Bambi meets Godzilla'. This was before everyone lost their attention spans to YouTube. My mates thought I was nuts, but I guess I hit Godzilla as a kid, way before it was hip to do so in my circle.
What came at the end o' th' tape.

Movin' on out...

Insert loud noise here. And marvel at his bling.

Was granted this at a carnival around '86. Nothing to do with the sideshows or candy-floss puke. I was wee and some punter had a toy stall. Mine Mama saw fit to bestow Toho's Imperial Godzilla on me, and the rest is history.
This 'Zilla fig always held great esteem 'mongst my many toys. While beheading Galaxy Warriors, or immolating 'Joes, I left this one alone. He sat patient, dormant on the bookshelf, just waitin' (all C'thulhu like), for resurrection.

Cardboard. You need more.
Imperial w/ the crown logo ain't gonna' mean much to most. But comin' outta' HK in the early/mid eighties, Imperial made the grooviest dragons, amongst other toys, that most Masters of the Universe & toy collectors now can't ignore. But my other Imperial gears can wait 'til a future blog ...

And you thought G-Zills was inarticulate.

What could make 'Zilla cooler? SAMURAI SWORD?

Bazooka & M16?

A dematerializer and ghost pack? Godzilla ain't 'fraid o' no ghost!

SCREW THAT! We know Gojira is best left as is.
Hell, Matthew Broderick!, back to Ladyhawke with you.

Forgive me, my love, for I have drawn on tonights dinner in my enthusiasm.
Photoshop nothing, thats newsprint illos on salmon!
"Told to avert the eyes, the strong and proud will find themselves struggling hardest." - Rihia2k