Friday, April 18, 2014

The Hoodwik'd Menace...

... of gloom and doom.

Checking out a lunar eclipse the other night, and as it peaks, goes dark, a civil defense siren sounds  in the background.
Gloom n' doom's hilarious!

Yeah, we're in a stage of several blood moon eclipses. Portents o' doom, et cetera.
Et cetera.

Didn't read the articles but some Texan preacher's on about World's End. On account of some astronomical phenomena. But, Hey! you can't get all god-bothering on one hand and space science on the other! They'd be burnin' Jaspers like him at the stake for such hijinks 200 year back.

- Japan's kinda had their apocalypse.
- Go tell someone in Ukraine there might be political upheaval in the cards.
- Go tell  someone from Chile or Solomon Islands to keep an eye out for natural disasters.
- Or... well, basically... Nigeria.

It's. All. Relative.
Belt around the world is tightening, sure. And perhaps the precious, spoiled West is nearing an end as we know it. Especially if you refuse to gel global.
Can't force feed the earth scones without acceptin' a little baklava yourself.
No crumpet without the option of dosa, my friend.

While religion is a touch silly, piety can be a nice word. Are we genetically predisposed to belief with a societal pressure to conform to atheism? Or vice versa? It depends where you are.

Since Ugg discovered fire, Ugg's been back and forth between spirituality and science to stop it getting out of hand and burning his eyebrows off.
Ugg frequently makes it worse, Ugg very occasionally gets both t' work... a little bit.
Mostly however, Ugg's flame control contrast has a tendency to suck, y'know when you've got a penance whip in one pocket and depleted uranium rounds in the other.

It's a wheel alright.
Sometimes... F*ck the wheel! Burn a direct course thru the middle.

Maybe we should all kinda' be semi-agnostic pseudo-pantheists getting on with sharing knowledge, culture and technological achievement - like the final scene outta' Grease, gettin' along 'cos we all know the words, and respecting other people's right to fly off in a 1950's themed amusement ride.

Which brings me to Hoodwik...

... holdson family values ...

The game of skill and strategy. Which is the least anyone can ask for in a board game.

And... it's basically checkers.

I'd never heard of Hoodwik.
Never even heard of anyone else hearing of Hoodwik.Which is why I like tiny 2nd hand shops in small beach side locations.

Play is very simple. The idea - remove all of opponent's playing pieces. You can reposition a piece one space in any direction. When there is the opportunity you can jump an opponent's piece, and continue jumping any additional pieces in any direction provided there is a space behind.

Failure to jump any pieces during your turn, when able, results in forfeiting the playing piece.
(Provided your opponent notices)

And... it's basically checkers.

Still, it's nice to disconnect/unplug, get traditional on it.
That said, J-Rex and I played it once, before I lost her to Ni No Kuni again.

There's no 75 like 1975. Holdson have a great reputation. Just that slight problem which can befall these types of boardgames.

If either player is concentrating even remotely, it's gonna' be a whole evening of Naughts & Crosses stalemates.

Forget, "If a tree falls in the forest..." our philosophical question is, "If two inherent cowards are playing Hoodwik for life or death stakes, does Hoodwik ever end?"

The answer is "No, no Hoodwik has never been as popular as Cher."

Fortunately we still have our Holdson Family Values...


"If you can't stay on the subject, don't try to make the subject stay on you" - rihia2k

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Love and Warrior...

Why when walking to a drawer and your girlfriend casually states, as simply as asking for a glass of water or if the newspaper arrived, that the Ultimate Warrior died, do you suddenly stand slack-jawed making 15 breathy noises of confusion none of which are words?
Why is that?
Warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior Warrior
People die all the time. Famous people, tragic people, boring people, young, old, hairy, wiggly rainbow or spinach farming people. People die. It's what we do. Blah blah mortality, etc.
Beauty is only more apparent because either it fades, or we do, etc.
Warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior
Perhaps... I mean, Superman died in 1992, (wow headlines!). George Harrison died in 2001. But folks like James Hellwig/Warrior don't just blur the line between fictional and actual personas, rather they make an illegible, brutal mess of said line.
Plenty of my childhood heroes have karked it, actual people, family members, characters written out of stories. But there was only one Warrior.
warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior warrior
Maybe you don't like wrestling. And, okay, while he leaped around playing pugilista, got selected most alongside Macho and Hogan in Technos' WWF Superstars arcade game, became the most enviable collector card at my primary school and released a mild brain seizure of a comic book.
He got the job done.

Besides, two weeks back I realized I hadn't been a child for a few years, and it struck me to read up on where the Warrior might be now. And I discovered he had a blog. (link) I was amazed.
Water paintings of political and historical thinkers and doers. Quotes, thoughtful, both coined and original.

Amazed, yeah I was. Because of the sincere self-awareness, not entirely selfish, the knowledge that Hellwig's fantasy of the Warrior identity had a very real purpose.
He got the job done.
warrior warrior
Besides I was having a particularly shitty day and nothing's gonna' kick your arse outta' self-pity mode like a steaming hot cup of Warrior blog. Works better than Henley's Invictus. 
That's why.
So thanks, James. Thanks, Warrior. You two make a great team. Rest In Honour.

"Peace. Better kept when given freely." - rihia2k