Friday, August 3, 2012

Beauty is in the Axe of the Beholder...

...look, it's not every day I fall in love, okay?

Every second day possibly, but aspects of fantasy card games and Skull Force action figures aside, if you're net-able and haven't hit yer head on the derailing and intoxicating awesomeness which comes from the two and only Nicolle bros., you are missing out.

Picking up The Goon from my not so local, but ultimately loyal, comic shop I also got ta fill my hand with some sweet-ass full colour Dark Horse published 'AC' goodness.

Don't let me stop you, link yerself to where you didn't even know you'd rather be...

(unless of course you're already familiar with axe cop, and for some reason aren't interested in reading it right now, in which case you're a bad guy and he will cut your head off!)

"It's amazing how quickly we can find a new problem, when we can't find an easy solution." - Rihia2k