But I decided I din't like it. It's not that I'm huge on self censorship or the fear of offending people, it's that it was purposeless in it's negativity. There's not much use getting home from work, being grumpy, jumping online and bitchin' about somethin' just cos you can.
And while I've no problem juxtaposing an image o' my Prime Minister next to a diagram of a human scrotum, I suggested people should get their heads out of Youtube clips of kittens. Which, now I'm fostering a kitten again, I realized is just wrong. Especially followed by a paragraph justifying my own escapism.
My original post looked vaquely like this;
Next post contains promises of Gummy Bears en masse and happy things like the bloodied sand of a gladiatorial arena.
So tune in when I don't provide a real explanation why my girlfriend was able to use the phrase, "I missed my calling as a testicle masseuse" in her workplace.
Whoops. I'd nearly forgotten to re-mention: Buy this book. Cos I will: http://www.amazon.com/Heavy-Metal-Time-Activity-Book/dp/155022798X
I am an excellent book promoter, no?
There's probably also a zillion better options to support for reviewing and purchasin' that, or any, book. Say, Last Gasp Books or Book Depository.
Okay, maybe I just need to sign off with a photo of a really cool bike I saw in Bali, and my woik is dun.