Well now. Quite... rather.
Went to a car-boot sale on Sunday. Always good, if no real intention of buying anything in particular. First one I'd been to in this area, always worth gettin' to know the local vibe.
I went to a Saturday morning market a year or so back (closer to Wellington city) with the sole purpose of satiating my desire for courgettes. From the other side o' the market grounds I swear I 'sniffed' out a somewhat tasty Reggie Entertainment Console / famiclone game (which probably means nothing to you). Bought that for a song and virtually ran all the way home, though I regret to say no one was selling any zucchinis that day. But that's another post altogether.
Who's your deity? |
It's nice what 50c will get you some mornings. I'll be honest and say I have a pretty fast eye for scanning piles of 'worthless' plastic. Bypassing fast food toy bunk, or more modern dime a dozen figures, I seem t' have an instinctive radar for anything that belongs to an age where I may've played or grown up with it. And this pile was large and ugly. But c'mon, Kalibak, I'd recognize that beard anywhere. Honestly it took a whole 0.5 seconds instead of the usual 0.2 to determine this was a Super Powers 1985 DC action figure, it was one I never actually saw first hand as a kid though.
Is this the "I secretly have feelings for Daddy-Darkseid" face? |
Aww, lookit dat. Is this really that same brutal, destructive son of Darkseid's that Jack Kirby created in '71?
Guess he has a coupla' alternate costumes throughout the years, and I personally find it quite interesting to note how feral or 'civilized' he's been portrayed as by varying artists. This '85 figure isn't very Kirby-esque when compared with modern design sculpts, but he does have a kinda' rocky/chunky abdomen which could be a tip o' the hat to Jack-styles.
Gwaar! |
And anyhoo... dinosaurs. Definitely Dinosaurs.
I really shoulda' quit with just the Super Power fig, gotten a vegetable or ten and headed off for home. But...
"I don't think so, she's ugging at me!" |
Definitely Dinosaurs. 1987 Playskool. Does
anybody else even remember these? Don't answer, you'll scare yerself if you do. I have an incredible memory... for CRAP! Can I remember how to find inner-peace? No. Can I remember where I left the keys 5 minutes ago? No. Can I remember obscure video games, comic books and Definitely Dinosaurs? You bet your a$$! My best bud as a kid had one. One. And someway they basically jumped outta' the bin at the sale and tried to claw my eyes out chanting, "we're from the eighties like you, you can't leave us now... gooble garble, gooble garble, one of us, one of us." I scare me...
-"I am so gone, guys..." |
...but I don't scare me as much as these do. Muscle-baby dwarf, cave-people that remind me of those low-budget Italian sword and sandals flicks from the day. I think the fact that there's only 1 female amongst the four is a worry too. Basically I can't picture these guys saying anything but "Ey" like some kinda' primitive Fonz, hanging around the meat-bar, showing off their V8 pterodactyls to Smurfette over there. Uh oh...
Hearts are gonna' break in the Stone Age tonight. |
I think it was the Paleolithic-perm that did it!
But after all that I got what I needed...
Limited edition 1 of 1. Fully poseable in ma belly once grilled. |
Courgette I love you, don't ever change.
"Ask yourself, working to live or living to work? And which would satisfy you more?" -Rihia2k.